Vientiane Updates, Love, Boundless Light Internet, Join hands with Xinjiang Health Station to sing the strongest voice of unity in fighting the epidemic and build a solid fortress of working together to prevent and control the epidemic

Vientiane is more “new”, and great love has no “frontier”. Koodle joined hands with Xinjiang Health Post Station to sing the strongest voice in the fight against the epidemic, and build a solid bastion of epidemic prevention and control in the same boat. Koodle should be vigilant, be prepared and be prepared. At present, the situation of international COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control is still grim. Omicron virus strain and Delta virus strain are intertwined and superimposed, bringing greater risks to the prevention and control of the epidemic. The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region conscientiously follows the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, accurately implements the relevant requirements for the construction of square cabin hospitals and health stations in the ninth edition of the diagnosis and treatment plan of the State Council, and actively deals with the severe and complex epidemic situation. According to the overall work deployment of the prevention and control headquarters, Xinjiang selected a site to build a health post project in Urumqi, in order to enhance the emergency response capacity and prepare the necessary temporary treatment places in advance. 01 project scale
The health post station is located in Urumqi, with a total land area of 290000 square meters and a total construction area of 130000 square meters, including office and living areas, isolation areas, storage areas and other supporting facilities, with a total of 4096 isolation rooms. The core of the overall solution of Xinjiang health post station is to further infiltrate “contactless + intelligent” into every scene of the post station, breaking the isolation of each system while ensuring that there is no contact to reduce the risk in the whole process. really take the application scene in the post station as the demand-oriented, so as to maintain the interconnection between the systems. 01

02 exclusive customization
The overall planning of Xinjiang health post station intelligent management and control design system includes intelligent access control system, intelligent operation management system, intelligent integrated management and control platform, intelligent distribution and recovery system and so on. The post station as a whole implements group and batch management, personnel fixed posts and responsibilities, unified coordination between the front and rear, with risk pre-warning mechanism and rapid response processing flow, so as to comprehensively improve the safety factor of epidemic prevention in centralized isolation places.
In the post station, the standard requirements of “three zones and two channels” are strictly implemented, and the polluted areas, semi-polluted areas and living areas are divided. The staff channel, the isolated personnel channel and the material transportation channel in the park are set independently, the streamline is clear, the pollution is separated, the closed-loop management is carried out, and a three-dimensional control and epidemic prevention circle is established; each room is divided into separate air conditioners and independent pipes. separate discharge system, filtration system and sewage system are set up in the zone to avoid cross-infection.
03 social demand
Isolation is not separated from love, warmth is always there. The station also pays attention to humanistic care services, improving operational efficiency and strengthening humanistic care at the same time. Infiltrate the intelligent design of the whole process closed loop in the contactless service, with channel machine accommodation route guidance, electronic information registration and sharing, indoor and outdoor self-service guarantee and so on. Modern science and technology such as 5G communications, Internet of things and artificial intelligence are fully integrated into the park to create an intelligent health park with closed management of the whole process to reduce the risk of human contact and cross-infection. For example, in terms of material distribution and environmental disinfection, robots and unmanned vehicles are basically used to achieve intelligent “contactless services”; video surveillance and perimeter thermal imaging infrared virtual enclosure are used to achieve full coverage of the security monitoring network of the post station park. To build a solid epidemic prevention barrier, there is a long way to go, not only with the help of wisdom, but also with the help of technology. Koodle provides 4098 sets of access control products such as access control controllers, card readers and electronic locks for Xinjiang health stations. Among them, the koodle QR code access control management program shines brilliantly to help the prevention and control work of health stations.


The strong and stable toughened glass panel of the M300 code scanning equipment provides a good guarantee for the security of the access control of the post station; the frameless aesthetic design can seamlessly assemble and embed 86 boxes, providing more flexible choices for the access control of the post station. In addition, M300 can also be combined with post assistant APP and used with Mini Program to provide Internet + services.
The mission lies in responsibility, and hard work builds the future. At present, the situation of epidemic prevention and control is still grim and complex, and epidemic prevention and control should not be missed at all. Under the new requirements of prevention and control, we must always tighten the string of epidemic prevention and control, build a closed-loop management mechanism in the whole process, and keep the hard-won achievements in epidemic prevention and control. Although the road is far away, it will come, and if it is difficult to do, it will be done. In the future, koodle is still committed to developing more convenient, efficient and safe QR code scanner products, and is ready to put into epidemic prevention at any time.
Beijing koodle Technology Co., Ltd.
Project Manager: manager Jiang 18911587949