The latest low-light Internet code is the first to help Hefei Metro train on the code

The latest! Koodle a “code” first, help Hefei subway “code” on the train! Koodle

Good news
At 9: 00 a.m. on December 26, the southern section of Hefei Metro Line 5 was officially opened for operation. Hefei rail transit operation network extends to 115 kilometers, forming a new pattern of “four-line intermodal transport”.
Koodle a “code” first! Contribute to the intelligent transportation industry!

The maximum one-way fare for the southern section of Line 5 is 4 yuan. Subway fares start at 2 yuan by 8 km, within 3 yuan for 14 km (inclusive) and 4 yuan for 21 km (inclusive) above 14 km. In order to improve operational efficiency and reduce personnel operating costs, all sites are equipped with koodle reverse scanning module. To achieve QR code scanning to take the car, no need to buy tickets, turn on the mobile phone “Transit QR Code” scan code, you can easily cross the gate to ride.
The southern section of Line 5 starts at the intersection of Yunnan Road and Guiyang Road in Binhu New area, ends at the intersection of Luzhou Avenue and Qimen Road in Baohe District, with a total length of 25.2 km and 20 stations, connecting important areas of passenger flow collection and distribution, such as Binhu New area, provincial administrative center, Baohe Industrial Park and South High-speed Railway Station, and is an important part of the skeleton network in Hefei rail network planning. After Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Xi’an, Beijing, Tianjin, Qingdao, Shijiazhuang, Changsha, Ningbo, Hefei, Chengdu, Chongqing, Changzhou, Yantai, Xinjiang, Zhengzhou and other places, Hefei Metro Line 5 again selected koodle QR code scanning equipment, which shows the reputation of koodle equipment in the rail transit industry. In the future, koodle will actively support the comprehensive construction of urban subway, bus, shipping, air transport and other intelligent transportation, and strive to improve and improve the way people travel, so as to make travel more convenient. Review in the past
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