Solve logistics problems and solve distribution problems. Microlight Internet cooperates with Meituan unmanned delivery vehicle to help Shanghai fight against the epidemic

Solve the logistics problem, solve the distribution problem! Koodle cooperates with Meituan unmanned delivery vehicle to assist Shanghai “war plague” koodle scientific and technological forces are playing a role in Shanghai’s “war plague”. Under the demand of epidemic prevention and control, unmanned distribution has once again entered the public view. Under the strong rigid demand, problems such as shortage of personnel and difficulties in material distribution have become increasingly apparent in the “war epidemic” in Shanghai. Take the Meituan shopping Kangqiao Road station as an example, due to the explosion of orders every day, the staff have to work more than ten hours a day, even though riders and selectors have turned around in succession, they still inevitably have a large backlog of orders waiting for delivery. Under the manpower bottleneck, the emergence of unmanned distribution vehicles has brought vitality. Recently, some Shanghai citizens found that a number of yellow unmanned cars were added overnight at the Meituan shopping station near the community, and rows of yellow cars added a touch of warm color to the street. This batch of “ofo”, which looks slightly smaller than family cars, is a new generation of automatic distribution vehicles shipped by Meituan from Beijing. The vehicles carry an one-time load of more than 150kg. Through contactless distribution, it can effectively alleviate the current “last kilometer” distribution problem in Shanghai community epidemic prevention, so that Shanghai citizens can receive epidemic prevention materials more safely. Meituan unmanned automatic distribution vehicle has high-level self-driving ability, which can meet the distribution needs of epidemic prevention materials from single point to multi-point. The vehicle is equipped with lidar, high-definition cameras and sensors to ensure the safety of self-driving ability, and equipped with koodle Q-series waterproof scanner equipment to ensure the completion of distribution tasks without contact, minimizing the risk of personnel exposure.
1 ► koodle Q series waterproof scanner equipment, the front is designed for borderless toughened glass panels, assembled by ultrasonic welding process, up to IP67 class dustproof and waterproof, strong and stable, available for outdoor use. 2 ► has a variety of output interfaces, USB, RS232, RS485, TTL, Wigan, Ethernet are applicable. Q-series waterproof decoder equipment can also provide direct output and protocol output to support secondary development and customized development to meet your customized needs.
In the Shanghai epidemic prevention application, the station staff will first put the order items into the car, and after the door is closed, the vehicle will drive independently to the downstairs of the user unit in the community. Volunteers stationed downstairs only need to scan the QR code to remove the distribution materials from the car. The whole process of contactless distribution effectively ensures the safety of volunteers and materials, and after each distribution, the staff will carry out comprehensive disinfection inside and outside the vehicle in time to reduce hidden dangers.
Coincidentally, Meituan guaranteed an automatic delivery vehicle to be stationed in Ruijin Hospital on April 7 to be responsible for the in-hospital distribution of medical materials, including nucleic acid samples, as well as effective distribution for the daily meals of medical staff and patients. According to feedback from hospital staff, recently, nucleic acid testing in Shanghai has seen a surge in the number of samples of all kinds of medical materials and nucleic acid testing, and the internal operation depends on medical personnel pulling small trailers for foot distribution, often resulting in a shortage of manpower due to all kinds of unexpected events. while the automatic distribution vehicle can carry dozens of medical materials or lunch boxes at one time, distribution or pick up meals only need a simple code scanning procedure, which greatly saves the time of front-line transport staff. So as to improve the overall efficiency. On the other hand, the automatic distribution vehicle is fully sealed, which can ensure contactless distribution in the whole process, effectively reduce the contact between materials and personnel, and better ensure the safety of epidemic prevention. In the future of normalization of epidemic prevention, what will happen to the development of the unmanned distribution industry? It is reported that the cost of the last kilometer distribution accounts for 53% of the entire distribution link, there is a huge cost reduction space, on the contrary, the labor cost is increasing, in the long run, unmanned distribution is the trend in the future logistics. In the closure and control of the epidemic in Shanghai, unmanned distribution vehicles have emerged one after another, effectively solving the pain point of insufficient transport capacity. The unmanned distribution industry, which has been tepid since 2016, has also let capital and the public see the possibility of large-scale commercial use under the catalysis of the epidemic in the past two years. Under the background of the normalization of the epidemic, how to ensure safe, efficient and contactless unmanned distribution is the primary problem for the development of the industry in the future, and the koodle two-dimensional code Internet of things scheme is undoubtedly the optimal solution to this problem. “contactless” distribution ensures the daily needs of citizens and helps to build a “unmanned vehicle +” life service system in smart cities. Under the national epidemic examination, the koodle QR code scanner has even become a “cool techs” to help unmanned delivery vehicles fight the epidemic in many areas, satisfying peer-to-peer express delivery and other daily necessities distribution in the closed and controlled areas, and “shining” the background of high-quality development.
In the future, koodle will still fully expand the comprehensive application of intelligent unmanned vehicles in fire and rescue, epidemic prevention and control, passenger transport, logistics and other fields, persist in giving full play to the power of QR code recognition in scientific anti-epidemic, and overcome difficulties together with all medical staff and residents.
Beijing koodle Technology Co., Ltd.
Project Manager: manager Li 18911925549