Smart community QR code scanning hardware helps smart garbage classification 100 accurately deliver low-level Internet

Smart community | QR code “scan hardware” helps intelligent garbage sorting 100% accurate delivery-koodle koodle in recent years, with the proliferation of garbage and the progress of science and technology, can no longer be completely stuffed into the land, recyclable waste can not be recycled, such as kitchen waste and other waste can be used for landfill to increase fertilizer, and some can even supply electricity and water, greatly improving the energy of environmental protection. Garbage sorting is imperative.

Recently, in order to achieve 100% accurate delivery of garbage according to categories, many communities in Beijing have implemented four-category code scanning to put in intelligent garbage bins. Classified intelligent garbage bins, with scanning code to open the box, door information statistics, weighing and other intelligent functions. In addition to the four classification intelligent trash bins, it also provides supporting facilities such as QR code traceability garbage bags and intelligent sorting recycling bins, and provides big data intelligent calculation services such as door information statistics and weighing for streets and communities free of charge. According to reports, the implementation of the project can lead to 100% awareness rate and 100% correct release rate of garbage sorting residents in the pilot community by the end of 2020.
Compared with the traditional garbage bin, the intelligent garbage sorting box embedded with two-dimensional scanning module integrates data acquisition and bar code automatic identification technology, which gives full play to the performance of two-dimensional code recognition and data transmission, making its operation more simple, convenient and intelligent. According to the staff, the classified garbage bags (kitchen waste, paper, plastic, other garbage bags) received by users are printed with the QR code corresponding to “one household, one card”, and usually pack the garbage by themselves. When throwing, the user only needs to aim the QR code on the sorting garbage bag at the “QR code identification area” in the box, and the corresponding sorting bin will be opened automatically after successful scanning and closed automatically after putting in the garbage. At the same time, after the residents put in the garbage, the box will weigh the garbage in real time, and send the data back to the cloud management system, the system will automatically record the situation of each household throwing garbage, and score points according to the quantity. Households with more points can exchange for corresponding gifts. According to an in-depth understanding, when residents scan the code for classification and release, the background system will upload the QR code information identified by the scanning module to the cloud management system as soon as possible, and track and record the garbage disposal behavior and related data information of each house. thus, through big data analysis to achieve garbage removal classification, refinement, greatly improve work efficiency and save manpower and material resources. It plays a positive role in promoting the development of “waste-free city”. Professional teams and equipment to enter the community, not only let residents feel the convenience of high-tech power and intelligence, but also let community residents personally participate in the ranks of garbage classification and environmental protection. It also has a profound impact on the new generation of young people. one

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