Smart community micro-light interconnection helps Yuhang Branch achieve precise prevention and control and scientific epidemic prevention

Intelligent Community | koodle helps Yuhang Branch to achieve accurate prevention and control, scientific epidemic prevention! Koodle resident A: “due to the epidemic, everyone is wearing masks, the equipment of the face express door has been disabled, what if there are illegal elements to enter the community?” ”
Resident B: “morning and evening peak, large flow of people, slow registration, easy concentration, great pressure on prevention and control, how to break?” Resident C: “the pass is changed regularly, the handling process is tedious, it is inconvenient to carry and easy to lose, whether it can be replaced by other ways!”

A few days ago, koodle helped Yuhang Branch to achieve accurate prevention and control, scientific epidemic prevention. QR code contactless scan code access control ‘cool techs’ was unveiled in 86 intelligent security communities in Yuhang. In order to do a better job in epidemic prevention and control work more efficiently, Yuhang District Branch of Hangzhou Public Security Bureau incorporated intelligent security elements into epidemic prevention and control work, injected wisdom into grass-roots epidemic prevention, and established an intelligent line of defense against the epidemic. The epidemic prevention and control “cool techs”, which was unveiled for the first time in Tangjia Community, Xingqiao Street, Yuhang District, can complete a set of testing process in just a few seconds. Relying on the unified deployment of epidemic prevention and security inspection of the Hangzhou Municipal Government, residents can apply for the only “life code” belonging to their own community property, so that community residents can scan the code by mobile phone, and only visitors who do not belong to community residents need to register. Originally, six people were needed to register at the gate of the community, but now it can be done with only one security guard and one volunteer. When residents pass the community access control, as long as scan the “QR code”, and then accompanied by a “tick”, they can enter smoothly. Volunteers and security men do not have to leave their positions, and their identity information has been uploaded to the management platform. According to Qian Yunfeng, instructor of the basic prevention brigade of the Yuhang District Public Security Bureau, the implementation of human thermal sensation + code scanning equipment in the community is mainly because now most of the districts are manual temperature measurement and identity registration, which takes a long time. If you encounter a peak of people, waiting in line does not say, it also increases the risk of gathering, so this is for everyone’s convenience and safety considerations. A few days ago, the “human thermal sensation + code scanning” equipment has been promoted and tested in 86 intelligent security communities in Yuhang District, Hangzhou, and has been widely welcomed by residents. Next, Yuhang Public Security will strive to expand its application and improve its functions, hoping to serve residents more quickly and safely, not only to achieve accurate prevention and control, but also to achieve intelligent prevention and control. During the epidemic prevention and control period, the koodle non-contact access control code scanning module is favored by users. As the equipment of this project needs to be exposed outdoors, the level of protection is extremely high. The general equipment on the market is difficult to meet the needs of customers. In fact, in order to meet the product needs of customers in a bad environment, as early as 2018 koodle has launched JL series, MP series and C series and other high protection waterproof products, the highest level of protection can reach IP67, which is a leading position in the industry. The JL5066 series products of protection grade IP66 are used in this project. Poke the following original text to read, more useful! Review in the past
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The purpose of koodle
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