Smart campus low-light Internet scanning equipment helps Tencent re-study code

smart campus| koodle scanning equipment helps Tencent re-learn code koodle
As spring warms and flowers bloom, as the domestic epidemic continues to improve, there is a nationwide wave of college students returning to school. However, epidemic prevention and control cannot be ignored. The key to epidemic prevention and control lies in how to reduce contact between people and things, reduce cross-infection of the virus, and then curb the spread of the virus from the source. The contactless scanning registration method has now been recognized by all regions across the country. Various regions are also actively promoting the “health code” national one-code pass model. It can be seen that the QR code scanning method plays a non-negligible role in epidemic prevention and control.

Recently, in order to prevent and control the campus epidemic, Tencent announced the launch of a re-study code. Cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control command offices of various provinces and cities to establish a campus e-health system by building a “Tencent Restudy Code” to provide digital management and service means for epidemic prevention and control work in universities, primary and secondary schools at all levels. It is reported that students and parents can apply for health codes through the Weixin Mini Programs, and check in daily health status declarations 14 days before and after school starts. Considering that many families with non-only children, parents can also use Mini programs to help multiple children in the family apply for student health codes and manage them flexibly. In addition, Tencent’s Relearning Code provides two ports: user and management. Students and parents can declare their health status through the user terminal, while faculty and staff and relevant education departments can grasp the trends and health status of teachers and students through the management terminal. In the Shenzhen University Reentry Code Pass Project, Tencent Micro School cooperated in depth with koodle to actively promote contactless back-to-school access. The combination of the two swords provides efficient assistance Science and Technology epidemic prevention , Ensure a safe and smooth start. koodle smart campus case East China University of Science and Technology Library reservation and sign-in project
Xi’an University of Electronic Science and Technology Sunshine Running Scan Scan Code Zhejiang University of Science and Technology Access Control Project
Jinzhou Medical University Scan and Print Project
China University of Geosciences Library Scan Code Self-service Seat Selection Project

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Beijing koodle Technology Co., Ltd
“Let technology live intelligently” is the vision of koodle Technology Co., Ltd. koodle focuses on the research and development of hardware related to QR codes, listens carefully to the needs of enterprises for technology in the Internet of Things era, uses craftsman spirit to make products, hone the best cost performance, and strives to allow every company in the world to enjoy high-quality QR code smart hardware from China.
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