Self-service terminal sunshine running makes exercise a habit

Self-help terminal | Sunshine running, make exercise a habit. Koodle
Introduction, where is this? What’s going on? Why is everyone running? I believe that when you see this picture, you will think the same as the editor.
It is reported that Zhejiang University has carried out a reform in the teaching of physical education courses for undergraduates from Grade 2018. According to the requirements of the reform, students of Grade 2018 will not schedule the “tenth period” from Monday to Friday and set it as the time for sports activities, and through the new special guidance courses to guide students to carry out effective sports activities to ensure the quality of physical exercise. The Sports and Art Department of Zhejiang University specially launched APP “running distance”, which is included in the scoring standard of physical education. APP should get full marks for “running distance”, with 168km for boys and 120km for girls each semester. The intensity of this reform can be described as “ranking first in the country”. The picture just now shows the students of Zhejiang University running on the playground.
As soon as the reform came out, it soon triggered a heated discussion among netizens, and some people said that they refused very much and felt that it was too much and too terrible, and many students thought it was acceptable; just get used to it; after running, the whole person will be very energetic, like running and so on. According to the survey, many colleges and universities in our country have carried out sunshine long-distance running activities, and colleges and universities will stipulate the effective period of time, route, and duration of exercise for students, and then install punch-in machines along the line. Students should use the school card or mobile phone QR code to sign in during a specified period of time or on designated machines, and the punch scores will be accounted for into the total semester scores, and so on. In order to prevent students from cheating, some schools will arrange special personnel to be on duty near the punch machines. Sunshine long-distance running is a special activity carried out by the Ministry of Education and the State General Administration of Sports to implement the central spirit, carry out sunshine sports and improve students’ physical health, especially the level of endurance quality. So, what does long-distance sunshine running have to do with our koodle? Don’t worry, look at the picture:
(koodle QR Code Scanner: QT660) this is a sunny running punch machine. The QR code scan area above is the product of koodle, the model is QT660. Wide 61mm, high 65mm, thickness only 3.5mm, although small, but will not affect its reading speed and accuracy, and also support a variety of output modes and a variety of development interfaces, easy to install, can be used in many self-service devices. (Xi’an University of Electronic Science and Technology students extracurricular training attendance system) OK, in fact, the editor is in favor of Sunshine long-distance running and Zhejiang University physical education curriculum reform, not because the editor has graduated, standing up does not hurt, but really feel that proper running, more exercise is very necessary, and not only school students, social people should also strengthen exercise ah. Besides, there are many benefits of running: relieving anxiety, improving sleep, stimulating the brain, inhibiting memory loss, strengthening the body’s immunity and resistance, burning fat, and so on. All right, stop talking. The editor is going for a run. Would you like to join us?

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