Project dynamics Microlight Internet Smart Security Access Control System helps Xinyi Building upgrade and transform

[Project News] The koodle smart security access control system helps Xinyi Building upgrade and transform! koodle Xinya Building-a new landmark in Haidian Sijiqing-

Xinya Building is located in Sijiqing District, Haidian District, Beijing City, with a building area of approximately 10000 square meters, with 5 floors above ground and 2 floors underground. Because it has been built for more than 20 years, many problems have arisen, such as aging facilities and equipment, fire protection that does not comply with current regulations, etc. In order to improve the overall quality of the building and highlight the company’s style, the building has undergone an overall renovation and renovation to meet modern office and business needs and enhance the image of the city.

At the beginning of the project design, Xinya Building was committed to providing customized office physical space for settled enterprises and creating a smart office space that is smart, convenient, efficient, safe, environmentally friendly and open. During the renovation process, the renovation concepts of wisdom, environmental protection, sharing and conservation were implemented, and people-oriented were adhered to. The building is 110 meters long from north to south, and a single exit is inconvenient. Therefore, a north and south double lobby and dual entrances and exits were used in the design , convenient passage and optimized flow of people, improving the efficiency and comfort of space use.

A fresh air system has been added to the entire building, a shared middle hall garden has been created on the third floor, and a shared conference room and report hall have been set up on the first floor.

In terms of intelligence, systems such as smart building self-control, smart energy management, smart parking, Face Recognition, and smart security have been adopted, injecting new momentum of technological efficiency into the building. The renovation of these security access control systems not only improves the security of the building, but also enhances the experience of corporate employees, making it more convenient and comfortable for them to enter and exit the building. At the same time, the introduction of technologies such as the Internet of Things, Face Recognition and QR code also demonstrates Xinya Building’s philosophy of pursuing innovation and cutting-edge technology, and its unique charm as a modern commercial office building.
After the renovation, Xinya Building radiates with new vitality from the inside out. It has become an important landmark building in Sijiqing area and will also become a new business card for Haidian District.

As the pioneer of “Internet of Things + Access Control System”, koodle has long been deeply involved in the field of intelligent control of the Internet of Things. The company is committed to defining new access control systems from the perspective of full business processes, improving the management and control level of “personnel” and “equipment”, creating a one-stop solution for enterprises to access control and equipment management, and comprehensively improving enterprises ‘intelligent service capabilities. The first cooperation between the two parties proves koodle’s professionalism, maturity and stability in the industry. The koodle Internet of Things security access control system solution is working hard to cultivate the scientific and technological fields of the access control industry.
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Beijing koodle Technology Co., Ltd

Project Manager: Amy 18911908966