Microlight Internet TX800 helps libraries ‘online seat selection system make reservations, seat selection, scan codes and sign-in to create a new ecosystem for Internet campuses

KoodleTX800 helps the library’s online seat selection system make reservations, select seats, scan codes, and sign in to create a new ecosystem for Internet campuses. koodle
The contradiction between the scarcity of library seats and the high learning needs of students has always been a major problem faced by university libraries. The phenomenon of seat occupation is one of the “landscapes” that violates civilization and order. In line with the principle of advocating civilized reading among college students and equitable use of library resources, koodle teamed up with Nanjing Trace, Tencent Micro School, and Future Campus to jointly create a “new Internet campus ecosystem” and launch the “Library Online Seat Selection System.” The system is based on Weixin Official Accounts, library business information systems, check-in machines, and QR code scanning equipment. It uses WeChat reservations, WeChat scanning and other methods to provide reading seat information to every reader fairly, impartially and scientifically. It effectively safeguards readers ‘rights and interests to make equal use of seat resources, eliminates the occurrence of undesirable phenomena such as seat grabbing, and thus better solves the long-standing problem of reader occupancy in a humane and scientific way. Students or readers can follow the school or library’s Weixin Official Accounts, then enter the seat selection system, and bind personal information according to the page prompts. After the binding is successful, enter the seat selection page to learn about the seat usage in the museum and select seats. After the seat pre-selection is successful, the system automatically generates a QR code, and uses the QR code to scan the QR code scanner on the reading room terminal verification device to check in to confirm arrival at the library. It is worth mentioning that at present, almost all check-in machines in major universities and libraries across the country use koodle’s smart QR code scanner TX800-wifi. The TX800 was independently developed by koodle. Due to its excellent scanning performance, excellent product quality, and the customer reputation that koodle has accumulated over the years, since its launch, it has been widely used in large-scale conference sign-in, library sign-in of major universities across the country and other fields. In the future, we will continue to launch terminal equipment for smart access control and laboratory reservations. Make technology more convenient for people’s lives and make the world a better place. about us
Beijing koodle Technology Co., Ltd
“Making the world a better place” is the vision of koodle Technology Co., Ltd. koodle focuses on the research and development of hardware related to QR codes, listens carefully to the needs of enterprises for technology in the Internet of Things era, uses the spirit of craftsmanship to make products, uses the Internet model to eliminate intermediate links, and strives to make every company in the world can enjoy high-quality QR code smart hardware from China.
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