Get rid of the shackles of the office, share the workplace flexibly, and connect with the light, gather new ideas and define the new office aesthetics

Little V gets rid of the shackles of the office and shares the workshop flexibly. Koodle brings together new ideas and defines new office aesthetics. Small V koodle OFFICE simple, belongs to your workplace quality in recent years, through the Internet of things technology, the sharing of idle resources to achieve the maximum use of resources and maximize the value of the rapid development of the sharing economy. It has changed people’s consumption concept and life style, and has become an important trend of today’s economic development. Shared workplace is a shared economic model, people can rent a shared workspace, access to a high-quality work environment and rich social resources, while saving cost and time. Work Environment meets your comfortable environment compared with traditional office methods, the advantage of shared workplace lies in its flexibility and diversity, which can meet the different needs of different industries and different sizes of enterprises and individuals, and provide various types of workplaces and conference room choices. Users can choose their own workspace according to their own needs and budget. With the continuous development of QR code technology, more and more shared workrooms begin to integrate QR code technology to improve user experience and management efficiency. QR code technology can be used to share many aspects of the workplace, such as user occupancy, conference room booking, equipment rental and so on. By scanning the QR code, users can quickly enter the workplace and enjoy a high-quality office environment and rich social resources. In addition, the QR code technology can also be used for conference room booking and equipment rental, and users can easily complete the booking and rental by scanning the QR code, which improves the management efficiency and user experience. At the same time, the QR code technology can also be used in the security management of the shared workplace, through the QR code access control system to control the identity authentication of people in and out of the workplace to ensure the security of the workplace. To sum up, the integration of QR code technology further improves the intelligence and convenience of the shared workplace, and provides users with a more efficient, convenient and safe working environment.
Technology Experience meets your technology experience recently, koodle has assisted well-known companies in the industry to connect the QR code software and hardware solution with the operation of the shared workshop, thus completing the perfect integration of the shared workshop and the QR code technology. QR code sharing workshop is an innovative office mode, which has been widely used and promoted in many countries around the world. In the future, the development trend of the QR code sharing workshop may include the following aspects: intelligent development: with the continuous development and application of the Internet of things technology, the QR code sharing workshop will be more intelligent, and can achieve remote control, intelligent identification, automatic management and other functions. Diversified services: in order to meet the different needs of users, the future QR code sharing workshop will provide more diversified services, such as conference room booking, business post office, express collection and so on. Place sharing: with the development of sharing economy, the future QR code sharing workshop will be more associated with other places, such as shared conference room, shared kitchen and so on. Fine management: the future QR code sharing workshop will pay more attention to fine management, through data analysis, intelligent management and other means to improve management efficiency and service quality. Environmental protection and energy saving: the future QR code sharing workshop will pay more attention to environmental protection and energy saving, using new materials, energy-saving equipment and other technical means to reduce energy consumption and pollution. Personalized service: the QR code sharing workshop will pay more attention to personalized service, provide more personalized service according to users’ needs and preferences, and increase user satisfaction and stickiness. The development of globalization: with the strengthening of the trend of globalization, the future QR code sharing workshop will pay more attention to international development and expand market share and influence. To sum up, the future QR code sharing workshop will continue to develop in the direction of intelligence, diversification, refinement, environmental protection and energy saving, personalization and globalization, and become a more convenient, efficient and innovative office mode. to meet the growing needs of users. Smart Life meets your intelligent life. In addition, with the continuous emergence of new technologies, the development of QR code sharing workshops will continue to be driven by technological innovation. For example, technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality and artificial intelligence will be further applied to the QR code sharing workshop to improve user experience and management efficiency. In the future, koodle will integrate AI technology and smart home technology into the shared space project, so as to further realize a more intelligent, convenient and comfortable shared space, improve user experience and management efficiency, and help the intelligent and digital operation of enterprises. Wan Beijing koodle Technology Co., Ltd.
Project Manager: manager Liu 18911515506