Electric power smart business hall debuts Microlight Internet helps a new experience of paperless and visualized office

Power Wisdom Business Hall debut, koodle helps paperless, visual office new experience koodle
In order to meet customers’ growing demand for upgrading consumption, deepening reform on the selling side, the development of comprehensive energy services, and technological changes such as “wide cloud transfer”, the competition and challenges faced by the power market are becoming increasingly fierce. as the forefront of the service of the State Grid Corporation, the construction of intelligent power supply business hall is extremely urgent. In order to implement the construction requirements of the State Grid Hebei Electric Power Co., Ltd., koodle cooperated with partners to take Longhua Dian Power supply Business Hall as a pilot to carry out design and transformation, so as to improve the comprehensive management level of power supply station and create quality service.
Electric power wisdom business hall construction concept: 1. Heavy service (convenient and reliable personal interaction) changes from “product thinking” to “user thinking”. Through counters, self-help terminals and mobile APP, three-dimensional integration provides users with 7 hours “zero distance, zero waiting, zero complaint” and “three zero” service form.

two。 Re-management (perceptual interconnected data sharing) uses self-service terminal equipment and mobile APP to establish a perfect data acquisition system to improve the portraits of multi-dimensional user groups. Do the first time to understand users, so that the needs of users and the service of the business hall communicate with each other and connect with each other.

3. Re-development (energy saving, environmental protection, intelligent and efficient) through the Internet online query account balance, the use of mainstream QR code to achieve offline code self-payment, code scan printing invoices and other services. It not only reduces the reception pressure of the staff, but also reduces the waiting time of users, so as to improve the speed of business processing. Truly achieve online and offline integration and perfect cooperation, reduce energy consumption and waste, green office to improve efficiency!

4. Re-experience (service visualization) self-service terminal business process screen prompt, customers according to the screen prompts to handle relevant business, so that customers can feel more comfortable while handling business, create a new visual service experience, and show integrated business management services to users through a large visual screen.

Through electronic opinion books, online self-service filling machines, self-service terminals and other equipment to achieve a paperless and efficient service experience, the power grid intelligent business hall uses the deep integration of integrated energy information flow, data flow and business flow to make the business hall become a smart energy public service venue for new technology, new business type and new models. Review in the past
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