Smart community smart express cabinet express delivery security, you can feel at ease

Smart Community | Smart delivery cabinet, express delivery is safe, you also feel at ease with koodle
In the Internet era, with the development of China’s network technology and the prosperity of e-commerce, the development of the express industry has maintained a rapid growth trend. Data 1: the monitoring information of the State Post Bureau shows that from November 11 to 16, 2019, the business volume reached the annual peak. A total of 2.309 billion pieces of mail (express) were processed within six days, with the highest daily handling capacity reaching 535 million, an increase of 28.6% over the same period last year and 3.2 times the daily processing capacity. On December 12, 2019, postal and express delivery enterprises collected a total of 401 million pieces of mail, an increase of 24.6 percent over the same period last year, setting another record high for the same period in history. Information 2: “Hello, your express has been stored in XX District X Gate X [express cabinet], please open the order to check the corresponding pick-up code, please pick it up in time, thank you. If you have any questions, please contact the dispatcher: 139*. ” With the rapid growth of express package volume, the problem of end delivery is becoming more and more obvious. The disappearance of the urban population dividend, the shortage and mobility of the grass-roots labor force, the survival problems of the terminal network, the coincidence of the working hours of the dispatcher and the recipient, the strict access control of some community buildings, etc., as a result, it is not realistic to rely entirely on the traditional “express brother” door-to-door delivery, and the delivery problems of “the last kilometer / 100 meters” such as “difficult for people to recruit, difficult to enter, slow to deliver, difficult to pick up” and so on have become more and more prominent. In recent years, with the continuous in-depth exploration of express delivery intelligence and express technology, various express enterprise headquarters and third parties in the industry have shown their own skills in the end delivery problems. In particular, the continuous investment of intelligent express cabinets in office buildings and community areas provides an effective way to solve the problems such as high delivery cost, uncertain delivery time, inconvenient customer pick-up and express delivery security. With the consent of the customer, the courier will put the package into the appropriate intelligent express cabinet and send the pick-up code to the customer at the same time. The customer can pick it up from the express cabinet with the pick-up code or QR code at a convenient time. After the customer picks up, the corresponding express counter will be “released”, and the courier can drop the package again. On the other hand, the delivery that has not been taken away for a longer period of time (such as more than 24 hours) will be fed back to the courier and the courier will contact the customer again for negotiation. At the same time, many intelligent express cabinets also undertake customer delivery services. Customers can choose the delivery service directly in the express cabinet, according to the prompt operation, put the package into the appropriate slot, pay the fee by scanning the code, the courier will receive the prompt message, and then pick up the package. Advantages of smart express cabinets:
To customers: reduce information leakage, effectively protect privacy and security; 24-hour self-service, pick up at any time, simple and fast; there is no need to worry about express delivery being thrown or even lost. For couriers: no need to wait, reduce unnecessary communication costs; no need to climb the floor, shorten delivery time, improve distribution efficiency, reduce the amount of lost parts; reasonably plan the time, concentrate delivery, and reduce the secondary delivery rate. Community property management: save space, reduce accumulation, build a quiet and clean environment; improve the level of community intelligence and service quality. For express delivery companies: centralized delivery, express delivery efficiency significantly improved; improvement of warehouse explosion, rising labor costs, difficult to recruit couriers. Wan Lin, president of Cainiao Network, once concluded: “the current express industry faces three major challenges: a large number of parcels challenging the operating limits of the entire network, differentiated delivery requirements, and end-to-end labor and cost pressure.” The latter two points are related to terminal delivery, which shows the increasingly prominent distribution problems behind the digital records. In the case of the increase in the number of express delivery and the reduction of demographic dividend, there is an urgent need for emerging technologies to alleviate the pressure of the industry, so the emergence of intelligent express cabinets has become inevitable. In today’s technological environment, digitization and intelligence are recognized as the future of the logistics industry. Although there are some problems, but from the point of view of demand, the intelligent express cabinet still has a broad space to rise in the future, and will play a more and more important role in the end of logistics. In fact, it is not only intelligent express cabinets, but also community multi-function letter boxes and fresh pick-up cabinets, which not only relieve the pressure of distribution brothers, but also gain the recognition of a large number of consumers by virtue of their flexibility, security and convenience, and increasingly become the “standard hardware facilities” of the community.
(multi-purpose letter box-click on the picture to learn more)
(community fresh cabinets-Click the picture to learn more)

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