Smart Transportation Starting today, Beijing’s Western Suburb Line can also scan the code on your mobile phone and ride

smart transportation| Starting today, Beijing’s Western Suburb Line can also be scanned by mobile phones and rides! koodle

It is quoted that starting from April 29, 2018, the entire Beijing City rail transit network (excluding the Xijiao Line) will support riding by swiping QR codes. September 26, 2018, Beijing The tram Xijiao Line has opened an easy-to-pass QR code ride-riding service, So far, all 370 stations on 22 lines of the Beijing Rail Transit Road Network have realized the QR code riding function.
The Beijing Western Suburb Line is a dedicated tram track connecting the Xiangshan area in the Main City. It has a total of six stations and is positioned mainly for tourism, leisure and sightseeing. It mainly serves Xiangshan Park, Beijing Botanical Garden, Yuquan Country Park and Summer Palace. and other three mountains and five gardens. The opening of the Beijing Western Suburb Line not only meets the daily commuting needs of residents in the Xiangshan area, but is also the first choice route for citizens to travel, mountain climbing and sightseeing on weekends and holidays. It is also a popular route for netizens to take photos and check in, and is known as the most beautiful Western Suburb Line.
(See Watermark @ Liuhe Hehe) At present, QR code scanning heads have been installed on all gates at 6 stations on the Xijiao Line. When passengers enter and exit the station, they only need to turn on the mobile phone’s easy-to-pass APP and align the QR code with the scanning head on the gate. After the “beep” sound, they can cross the gate. The process of swiping the code takes less than one second. Zhan Minghui, director of the Beijing City Rail Transit Command Center, said that because the western suburbs line is a ground line, the gates are placed in the open air and are greatly affected by light during the scanning process. There are special needs for equipment. After testing, relevant technical problems have been solved and will be put into use today. It is my honor that the one that provides scanning support for the Xijiao Line is the koodle QR code scanner, model number TX200. The embedded design provides accurate reading and smooth scanning; the tempered glass has strong light transmission, scratch and drop resistance, and the surface is effectively waterproof, making it very suitable for rail transit entry and exit gates. TX200 multi-angle

(See Watermark @ Beijing Tram Xijiao Line for the source)
Starting today, all 22 lines and 370 stations in the Beijing Rail Transit Network will implement the easy-to-pass QR code ride function, which will provide a “code” for a large number of passengers enjoying autumn during the National Day and the red leaf season to easily reach Beijing’s “Three Mountains and Five Parks” Convenient ticketing service.
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Beijing koodle Technology Co., Ltd
“Let technology live intelligently” is the vision of koodle Technology Co., Ltd. koodle focuses on the research and development of hardware related to QR codes, listens carefully to the needs of enterprises for technology in the Internet of Things era, uses the spirit of craftsmanship to make products, uses the Internet model to eliminate intermediate links, and strives to make every company in the world can enjoy high-quality QR code smart hardware from China.
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