Wuxi Huishan Software Park access control upgrade, new security line in the era of face brushing

Upgrade of access Control in Wuxi Huishan Software Park: a New Security Line of Defense in the era of “facial scanning” koodle
Wuxi Huishan Software Park, as a high-tech park with many innovative enterprises, has been committed to providing a safe and efficient working environment. In order to further improve the management level of access control in the park, a comprehensive upgrade of access control has been carried out recently.


This upgrade chooses advanced face recognition access control equipment. These devices adopt the latest face recognition technology, which can identify personnel quickly and accurately, and greatly improve the security and efficiency of access control.

The face recognition access control equipment of koodle not only has a simple and generous design, and complement each other with the modern environment of the park, but also its powerful function meets the various needs of the park.

In the process of construction, it is facing a series of challenges. Due to the large number of enterprises and frequent personnel flow in the park, the construction needs to be carried out without affecting the normal working order. In order to achieve this goal, the construction team fully communicated with the park management department and various enterprises in advance and formulated a detailed construction plan. The builders choose to install equipment and lay lines on weekends and holidays as well as after work. In the process of equipment installation, the operation is carried out in strict accordance with the installation standards to ensure the stable operation of each equipment. Line laying is also carefully planned to minimize damage to the original facilities of the park, and do a good job of protection and marking. After intense and orderly construction, face recognition access control equipment is gradually installed in place.


The management platform is the core part of the whole access control system. This platform is powerful and easy to operate. Through it, the information of all personnel in the park can be centrally managed, including input, modification and deletion. The real-time monitoring function enables managers to keep track of the entry and exit of personnel in and out of each access point at any time, and if abnormal is found, measures can be taken in time.

The data analysis function provides strong support for the management decision of the park, for example, through the analysis of personnel flow data, we can reasonably arrange security personnel and optimize the layout of service facilities in the park. The authority management function is very flexible, which can set different access rights for different personnel according to different needs, so as to ensure the security of each area in the park. In addition, the management platform also supports remote control, and managers can manage the access control system anytime and anywhere through mobile phones or computers.

In the process of upgrading the access control, we have also accumulated a lot of valuable experience. First of all, effective communication with all parties is very important. Maintain close communication with park managers, enterprises and construction personnel before, during and after the upgrade, solve problems and adjust the plan in time. Secondly, the training work should be done well in advance. Before the launch of the new access control system, managers and employees of the park were systematically trained to familiarize them with the operation process and matters needing attention. In addition, the formulation of emergency plans is essential. In view of the possible equipment failures and network problems, the corresponding measures are formulated in advance to ensure the stable operation of the access control system. Of course, there are some difficulties in the upgrade process. For example, during the system debugging phase, the connection between individual devices and the management platform is unstable. Through the technical staff to repeatedly debug the parameters of the equipment and platform, as well as optimize the network environment, finally solve this problem.


Koodle has been adhering to the brand vision of leading the development of the industry with scientific and technological innovation, and is committed to providing customers with smarter, safer and more convenient access control solutions. In the access control upgrade project of Wuxi Huishan Software Park, koodle fully demonstrated its technical strength and service quality, and created an efficient and safe access control system for the park.

Through this upgrade of access control, the management level of Wuxi Huishan Software Park has been significantly improved, creating a more safe and convenient working environment for enterprises and employees in the park. In the future, it is believed that with the continuous progress and innovation of technology, koodle will continue to contribute more to the development of the access control industry.

Light Qi Zunyi, a total of details, looking forward to your inquiry!
Project Manager of Beijing koodle Technology Co., Ltd.: manager Lin 18112613571 (Wechat)