Innovative practice of catering write-off of Boao Forum for Asia empowered by Microlight Internet

Koodle empowered Boao Forum for Asia Food and Beverage Verification and write-off Innovation practice koodle

BUILDING Boao Forum for Asia / / innovative practice of Food and Beverage write-off

Boao Forum For Asia abbreviation BFA
Boao Forum for Asia (English name Boao Forum For Asia, abbreviation BFA) is a non-governmental, non-profit, regular, location-based international organization. The purpose of the Forum is to promote and deepen economic exchanges, coordination and cooperation within the region and between the region and the rest of the world based on Asia. To provide a high-level dialogue platform for the government, enterprises, experts and scholars to discuss economic, social, environmental and other related issues. Through the working network established between the Forum and the political, business and academic circles, it serves the growing economic cooperation between members and members, and between members and non-members. The Forum is committed to promoting the common development of Asian countries through further regional economic integration.

In the beautiful scenery of Dongyu Island in Hainan, the Boao Asia Forum Hotel is performing a wise change of food and beverage write-off. In the high-standard large-scale conference forum, the efficiency and accuracy of food and beverage write-off are very important. The traditional method of verification and write-off of meal tickets is often faced with many challenges, such as slow write-off, error-prone and complicated manual operation and so on. However, the emergence of koodle equipment has brought about new changes in the cancellation of meal tickets in hotel restaurants.

Boao Forum For Asia abbreviation BFA the core function of this equipment is to achieve efficient write-off of meal tickets in the restaurant of the meeting Forum Hotel. Participants only need to stop in front of the equipment, the ticketing identification system can quickly and accurately identify their meal ticket information, and instantly complete the write-off of meal tickets, which greatly improves the verification speed and shortens the waiting time of participants. At the same time, the highly accurate identification technology also effectively avoids the possible errors caused by manual operation. In addition, the koodle face recognition all-in-one machine also has many advantages: efficient and convenient: extremely fast recognition speed and simple operation flow, making it easy and fast to write off meal tickets. Accurate recognition: accurate bill identification technology, put an end to the possibility of misunderstanding and omission.
Safe and reliable: effectively protect the information security of participants and prevent the illegal use of meal tickets. Improve the service quality: provide participants with a high-quality dining experience and improve their satisfaction with the forum.

Boao Forum For Asia abbreviation BFA
In the Boao Forum for Asia Hotel, the application of this equipment not only improves the efficiency and accuracy of food and beverage verification, but also provides a solid guarantee for the smooth holding of the forum. In the future, we look forward to koodle face recognition all-in-one machine can play a role in more occasions, bring more convenient and efficient service experience for people. At the same time, we also hope that other hotels and conference forums can learn from this successful case and actively introduce advanced technology to improve their service level and competitiveness.

Project Manager of Beijing koodle Technology Co., Ltd.: manager Shen 189119192419 Manager Xu 18910764429