Micro-light Internet networked QR code access control solution empowers digital transformation of Laocheng District

Koodle Networked QR Code access Control solution empowering the Digital Reconstruction of the Old City koodle

In July 2020, the guidance of the General Office of the State Council on comprehensively promoting the transformation of old urban residential areas was issued, which mentioned that “the transformation of urban old residential areas is a major livelihood project and development project.” With the improvement of residents’ living standards, the management of access control for people and cars in many old communities is backward, the equipment is obsolete, and the mode of management is still at the level of the last century. It has long been unable to meet the growing wisdom of community residents to travel and build a happy community.

In order to actively respond to the national policy and promote the process of building a smart city. Koodle makes use of its own technical advantages, according to the difficulties of construction, layout and control in the old city, and other difficulties, optimize and formulate a “networked QR code access control solution”, through the Internet of things technology, the traditional access control management mode is moved to the cloud server management; reduce the difficulty of construction and layout control, but also greatly save personnel costs in the transformation process. Contribute to the wisdom era for the management of people and vehicles in the old community.

In view of the current situation and transformation difficulties of the old community, koodle “Networked QR Code solution” has the following advantages:
Separation of people inside and outside the community
Existing problems: the primary problem faced by the old urban community is the mixture of personnel, the gates and unit doors either have no access control, and those with access control have basically become furnishings due to aging and disrepair of equipment. People in and out of the community include community residents, neighbors who visit friends on the street, couriers / diners, housing agents, temporary rentals, and so on. Because there are no restrictions on the entry and exit of personnel, there are great hidden dangers in community safety. Solution: install the QR code access control system. Residents within the community can enter and exit the community by downloading APP or Mini Program, registering and uploading their personal information. After verification, they can use the pass QR code. The temporary visitors in the community can contact the residents within the community, make a remote invitation, submit the relevant information of the visitors to generate the QR code, and scan the code when they arrive.
Various modes of passage are suitable for both young and old.
There are problems: some elderly uncles and aunts are not proficient in operating smartphones; children in kindergartens and primary schools do not have smartphones. Can not use the mobile phone QR code to pass the access control. Solution: the networked QR code access control solution can be integrated with scanning code, swiping card, face and other ways at the same time, which can be chosen by the owner. According to the actual needs of the community, customized solutions.
Personnel traffic digitization, easy management in the cloud
There are problems: in early 2020, the epidemic broke out suddenly, and the prevention and control of the epidemic became normal. Health codes are widely used. The statistics and traceability of personnel traffic information has become the key to the prevention and control of the epidemic. Solution: through the way of scanning the QR code, collect the health code data and upload statistics. The digitization of personnel information, access to the cloud management system through the Internet, timely and rapid registration and inquiry can provide a reliable data basis for epidemic prevention and control.
Simple construction and low cost
There are some problems: the access control system of urban communities in the late 1990s and early 21st century is not perfect, and there is no access control equipment at all. Using the traditional access control transformation and upgrading, it is necessary to localize the computer room, and lead all the access control equipment wiring to the computer room, the construction difficulty, transformation cost and later maintenance cost are relatively high. Solution: install the Ethernet QR code access sweeper, connect the decoder to the network and directly connect to the cloud server. There is no need to deploy the terminal controller locally, so the construction efficiency of the traditional access control is very high. The cost of transformation and post-maintenance are also very simple, and maintenance is needed only when there is a problem with the QR code scanning module.

In addition, compared with the traditional access control, the network access control not only has more powerful security, but also uses the embedded QR code scanning module to identify the mobile phone dynamic QR code, which can be verified by comparison in the background, and the management of access authority is more intelligent. at the same time, it also avoids the inconvenience caused by forgetting to bring the access card. Up to now, the networked QR code access control scheme has been applied in urban old community renovation projects in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Hefei, Chengdu, Wuhan, Nanjing and other areas. Because of its many advantages, it will become a mainstream trend in the future! Review in the past
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