What is the effect of dry goods contactless elevator elevator control and epidemic prevention? You need to understand these

Practical information! What is the effect of contactless elevator ladder control and epidemic prevention? You need to know this! During the koodle epidemic, public elevators in the park and community became the hardest hit areas. The utilization rate is high, the flow of people is large, the identity of the users can not be traced back, the most important thing is the keys in the elevator, which has become the indirect source of infection of the virus. With everyone’s knowledge of epidemic prevention and control, there has been a new upsurge of “contactless XX” and “contactless XX” in various industries recently. So what is the epidemic prevention effect of the “QR code contactless” elevator ladder control system? What should we know? First of all, I would like to briefly introduce what structures are included in the “QR code contactless ladder control system”. Hardware part: each floor call ladder sweeper (figure 1) layer selection sweeper inside the car (figure 2) software part: campus ladder control system (figure 1) “contactless code scanning elevator” WeChat Mini Programs (figure 2)
The following is an introduction to the specific functions of koodle’s “QR code contactless elevator ladder control system” and what effect it will have in epidemic prevention and control. Matters needing attention in the process of use!
Floor call ladder sweep controller function: the same as the up and down buttons of the call ladder, mainly to call the elevator to the current floor. Floor selection scanner
Function: the same as the floor button, mainly to select the target floor button and transmit instructions to control the elevator to the designated floor. Campus ladder control system
Function: 1. Registration of the park. Before the use of the park, it needs to be formed on the platform, and only after the examination of the platform can it have the right to use it. 2. Control the rights of enterprise administrators in the park. After the registration of the park, the production enterprise registration code shall be notified to the enterprise administrator in the park, and the enterprise administrator authority shall be applied for registration through WeChat Mini Programs. 3. Manage the enterprises and personnel in the park. The platform can record the passage information of ladder riders through the relevant data in the QR code. Administrators with administrative authority can query specific traffic records through personnel, time, elevators and other conditions. Achieve traceability of traffic.
“non-contact code scanning elevator” WeChat Mini Programs function: 1, company registration. After the company is located in the park, the person in charge of the enterprise in the park can carry out enterprise registration simply by scanning the enterprise registration code through the mobile Wechat. 2. Control the management rights of internal personnel. Enterprise administrators can be invited to add internal personnel, and only those who belong to the enterprise can take the elevator by scanning the QR code. 3. Management of personnel flow within the enterprise. Enterprise administrators can view internal personnel traffic information, and passers-by can view their own ladder records at any time. 4. Generate ladder codes, call ladders and select floors. Open Wechat, scan the fixed QR code of the floor, select the target floor, and generate the ladder code. Identify the ladder code on the call ladder scanner and call the elevator. After the elevator opens the door, the ladder code is identified by the layer selection scanner in the elevator, the target floor button is lit automatically, and the elevator runs to the target floor.
During the outbreak, daily personal protection is very important, and the less contact with public equipment, the lower the risk of infection. For elevators, such as small space, high utilization of the scene. “contactless ladder control system” is undoubtedly the first choice. Koodle two-dimensional code contactless ladder control system, from the point of view of epidemic prevention and control, zero contact fundamentally reduce the risk of infection; improve traffic efficiency to avoid personnel gathering; control traffic authority to avoid external personnel flow; statistics traffic records to trace the movement of people.
In the process of use, we should pay attention to the following points: 1. This scheme is mainly aimed at the use of ladder control scenes such as re-work park, community and so on. 2. If the park or enterprise fails to pass the platform audit, it will not have the right to use it. 3. If an individual is not bound with corporate information, he or she cannot use Mini Program to take the elevator.
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