Beijing Haixing Talent Apartment’s Smart Gate IoT access control solution is the perfect combination of Microlight Internet customization

The door of wisdom of Beijing starfish talent apartment: the perfect combination of Internet of things access control scheme and koodle customization! Koodle 2024MarchENJOYLIFE HELLO HAIXING
In October 2023, Beijing starfish talent apartment ushered in an important Internet of things access control project. The project aims to renovate the main door, passageway and room access control of the apartment as a whole to improve safety and management efficiency. By adopting the koodle software and hardware integrated Internet of things access control scheme, the apartment has achieved comprehensive automatic management, and brought a more convenient service experience for users.

O NE hardware transformation Hardware transformation

Convenience and efficiency has high performance and low cost in terms of hardware, the project adopts the combination of M350 QR code access card swiping machine and VF105 face recognition QR code card swiping machine, which not only meets the technical requirements, but also achieves a good balance in cost control. M350 access control card all-in-one machine supports QR code and card swiping function, which provides a convenient way to enter, while VF105 face recognition all-in-one machine adds face recognition function, which further improves the security and convenience.

These advanced access control devices not only improve the security of the apartment, but also provide residents with a more convenient access experience. Residents can quickly enter the apartment through NFC, QR code or face recognition, without the need for traditional keys or access cards. At the same time, the stability and reliability of these equipment have also been fully verified to ensure the normal operation of the apartment.

T WO software function Software function
Safety and convenience security and convenience

The supporting software system includes access control, tenant management, rights management and traffic data traceability and other functions. The access control function ensures that only authorized personnel can enter the apartment, effectively ensuring the safety of residents.

The tenant management function makes it easy for apartment managers to manage tenant information, including check-in, check-out and permission settings. The authority management function can flexibly configure the access rights of each resident to ensure the order and security of the apartment. The traffic data traceability function provides detailed traffic records, which is convenient for management to analyze data and trace events.

T HREE deploy and manage SAAS and APPlet

Application and management application and management in order to reduce deployment costs and provide a convenient way of management, the project uses cloud deployment and operation. This not only reduces the investment of hardware equipment, but also reduces the cost of maintenance and management.

At the same time, managers can easily manage through mobile Mini Program without complicated operation steps. Administrators can check the status of access control and deal with abnormal situations anytime and anywhere, which greatly improves the efficiency of management.

F OUR Achievement and significance Achievement and significance

Pain and gain pay and gain through this Internet of things access control transformation project, Beijing starfish talent apartment has achieved comprehensive automatic management, bringing a more convenient service experience for residents. The upgrade of the access control system has improved the security of the apartment and made the residents feel more at ease. At the same time, the improvement of management efficiency has also brought greater advantages for apartment operation. The successful implementation of this project also provides reference and reference for other similar apartment and property management. With the continuous development of the Internet of things technology, we believe that more and more places will benefit from this kind of intelligent transformation, bringing more convenience and security to people’s life and work.

In the future, koodle in the Internet of things access control system solutions, in addition to continuous innovation and development, will also pay more attention to customized services. We will provide personalized access control solutions according to the special needs of different apartments and communities. For large apartment complexes, koodle can provide access control system for group management to achieve unified management and data collection of multiple apartments. For communities with special security needs, we can customize high-level access control settings and real-time monitoring functions. In addition, koodle will also carry out in-depth cooperation with various partners to seamlessly connect the access control system with other smart devices and services to form a more complete smart community solution. For example, cooperate with property management companies to provide customized billing and charging functions; cooperate with third-party service providers to introduce more convenient life services, such as express collection, housekeeping services, etc.

Project Manager of Beijing koodle Technology Co., Ltd.: manager Shen 189119192419 Manager Wang 18911356280