The implementation of QR code intelligent waste classification solution in Northeast China helps the formal implementation of the domestic waste classification management measures in Shenyang City

The solution of intelligent garbage classification with QR code is located in the northeast, which helps the “Shenyang Municipal solid waste Classification Management measures” to formally implement koodle on May 1, and the Shenyang Municipal solid waste Classification Management measures (hereinafter referred to as “measures”) will be formally implemented. If the unit fails to throw domestic waste in accordance with the regulations, the unit shall be fined not less than 5,000 yuan and not more than 50,000 yuan, and the individual shall be fined less than 200 yuan. In 2021, Shenyang will carry out “four classifications” in all 5030 residential areas in the city, and the allocation rate of kitchen waste disposal facilities will reach 100%. The average daily collection and transportation of household kitchen waste has reached 100 tons, and the recycling rate of domestic waste has been maintained at more than 35%. Source: northeast News Network, in order to better implement the “measures”, actively cooperate with property management work, enhance the classification awareness of community owners, and promote the intelligent, digital and normal development of garbage classification, some communities in Shenyang have piloted it. At the same time, online QR code intelligent garbage sorting terminal (garbage bin / garbage room). Through the embedded QR code scanning module of koodle, the tripartite data of intelligent garbage sorting terminal, garbage classification management cloud platform and owner’s mobile phone APP/ Mini Program / IC card are connected in series. Form the real-time interaction of terminal, management and delivery, timely understand the owner’s data, and improve the ability of traceability management, so that rewards and punishments can be relied on. With the help of the mobile phone, the owner can easily scan the QR code in front of the QR code reverse scan module, and then open the garbage sorting box for correct delivery. Property management can check the actual delivery of garbage sorting boxes in time through the cloud platform, and quickly arrange garbage collection and disposal. In view of the situation that minors and the elderly are unable to operate their mobile phones, the koodle QR code scanning module also integrates NFC card swiping function. As long as the owner’s information is bound with the IC card, the IC card swiping card can be used for classified delivery. The intelligent sorting recycling bin will automatically analyze the quality and weight of garbage thrown by residents through the Internet of things equipment in the box, combined with AI pattern recognition and block chain technology. Through the management background, the residents who actively participate in the correct delivery shall be appropriately rewarded; enterprises and individuals that throw randomly and do not pile up and discard at will in accordance with the regulations shall be punished in accordance with the relevant regulations in the measures. Through the combination of rewards and punishments mechanism, a two-pronged approach to promote active participation and develop the habit of classified delivery. At present, koodle scanning equipment has been unveiled in garbage sorting projects in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Dalian, Shenyang, Nanjing, Suzhou, Hefei, Shandong, Xizang, Chongqing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Dongguan and other cities. In the “14th five-year Plan” period to promote green development, continue to improve the ecological environment, carbon neutralization, carbon peak, garbage classification is an indispensable part. In line with the trend of the times, the use of the Internet of things science and technology to make garbage classification intelligent, data, through low-cost, efficient operation and management, has a very long-term impact on the normalization of garbage classification. Review in the past
Koodle code scanning module helps the new journey of energy saving and environmental protection in intelligent communities across the country.
Smart Community | QR Code “Code scanning hardware” helps intelligent garbage classification 100% accurate delivery-koodle garbage classification has once again aroused social concern, and scientific and green environmental protection has become the mainstream of ecological development! — koodle garbage points, the environment is very beautiful. Dear, find out about the intelligent garbage sorting and recycling bin.

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