The final work of the 2022 Microlight Internet Metro Project: Shenzhen Metro Line 16 and Foshan Metro Line 3 are innovative technologies to create a demonstration subway

Xiaowei 2022 koodle Metro Project is the end of the year! Shenzhen Metro Line 16-Foshan Metro Line 3, innovative technology to create a demonstration subway! Small and micro koodle-Hello metro–2022

December twenty _ eighth
Shenzhen Metro Line 16 and Foshan Metro Line 3 are officially put into operation!
PART 001 Shenzhen Metro Line 16
This year is the “big year” for the opening of new urban rail transit lines in Shenzhen, with the largest number of lines in history, with a total of five lines reaching 128 kilometers. With the official opening of Shenzhen Metro Line 16, the scale of Shenzhen urban rail transit network has reached 17, the operating mileage of rail transit has exceeded 559 km, and the regional development has pressed the “fast forward key”.

Among them, the new two backbone routes of Line 14 and Line 16 in the eastern part of Shenzhen fully implement the concept of innovative development, and build koodle customized C-series QR code intelligent terminals in multiple scenes, which greatly improve the efficiency of entry and exit and transfer. Koodle C-series products feature large-size reading windows that exceed the 10cm reading area to maintain efficient traffic speeds even during morning and evening peak hours. The farthest identification distance of C-series products can reach more than 10cm, and the equipment has its own light supplement function, which can be scanned and identified without deliberate focus. In addition, C-series products also have a variety of communication interfaces and IP66-level dustproof and waterproof capabilities, high performance-to-price ratio, which makes many ordinary scanner products on the market difficult to match.

With the help of koodle products, Shenzhen Metro Line 14 and Line 16 significantly alleviated the morning and evening peak congestion in Longgang District, promoted the smooth flow of people and logistics in Longgang and Pingshan, realized the cohesion and outreach of the eastern center, and further released the vitality of regional development under the coverage of rail transit.

PART 002 Foshan Metro Line 3
Coincidentally, Foshan Metro Line 3, as the “north-south artery” of six major town streets, such as Zancheng and Shunde, also chose koodle code scanning equipment as the standard product for brushing code to ride and pass the gate.

Different from the Shenzhen subway line, Foshan Metro chose the koodle Q300 series model. Q series products are famous for their exquisite and compact, embedded installation design can save a lot of installation space, RS232, RS485, Wigan, USB, TTL and other comprehensive output interface choices are well received in the industry. Q300 products also have three colors of deep black, elegant white and high-end gold, providing customers with more choices for integrated collocation.

Deep black
Elegant and white
High-end gold

Smooth north and south, pulse Foshan. Foshan Metro Line 3 with koodle products intersects with Guangfo Line, Foshan Line 2 and Guangzhou Line 7 respectively to achieve transfer, breaking the single cross-shaped structure of Foshan urban rail transit and officially opening the crisscross rail transit network pattern. Koodle will seize the development opportunity of “Traffic Power” and take advantage of the opportunity to provide safe, comfortable and convenient travel experience for citizens with high-quality products and services, and take practical actions to promote the high-quality development of rail transit in Foshan.

PART 003 koodle
Looking back on 2022, taking advantage of the opportunity to open a new bureau according to incomplete statistics, 34 new urban rail transit lines were added in 2022, of which the application rate of koodle equipment was as high as 75%. Through new technologies such as “Internet + and big data”, koodle has realized “full network, full compatibility and full coverage” through the gate, perfectly combining QR code mobile payment with self-service passage and self-service ticketing, not only enriching passengers’ riding experience and satisfying passengers’ code-scanning payment habits, but also greatly improving operational efficiency and reducing personnel operating costs.

Looking forward to the next step in 2023, koodle will continue to focus on products and services, base on the new development stage, implement the new development concept, build a new development pattern, and speed up the better life of the broad masses of people with a rail transit network extending in all directions.

To cut through difficulties and difficulties, what is high-spirited is the drumming of spiritual strength to urge the sign, but what remains unchanged is that the beautiful blueprint of “koodle on the track” is slowly unfolding.


Beijing koodle Technology Co., Ltd.
Project Manager: manager Jiang 18911587949