Witness of glory in 2021 Our choices and persistence in the post-epidemic era

Honor witness in 2021: in the post-epidemic era, our choice and adherence to koodle

2021 Honor witnessed the post-epidemic era, our choice and persistence

Glorious witness
In 2021, in the face of the severe test brought by COVID-19 ‘s epidemic situation, coupled with the uncertainty of the world economy, koodle pondered calmly, rising abruptly based on its unyielding belief and unchanging belief, breaking the situation in the predicament, innovating in the changing situation, continuing to evolve, and constantly upgrading the quality of service. Compared with 2020, it has achieved substantial growth against the trend, with an increase of 135%, consolidating the position of the industry as a pioneer. Every challenge in the past is our strength to move forward. Today, koodle chooses to use words as a simple but sincere way to sort out this challenging year, which is not only a glorious witness, but also self-examination and self-examination. Take this as a mirror to review how we run in love and how to keep pace with the times with our choices and persistence.

01 the age of wisdom
Driven by mobile Internet, big data and other new technologies, artificial intelligence technology has been rising in recent years, which is profoundly affecting our life and economic development with unprecedented speed and breadth. With the advent of the intelligent era, the form of information carrier is constantly innovating, and the market has a higher demand for the equipment to read information.
Koodle enabling [Intelligent Transportation] through “Internet + big data” and other new technologies, to achieve “full network, full compatibility, full coverage” mobile phone code scan ride. The perfect combination of QR code mobile payment with self-service passage and self-service ticketing not only enriches passengers’ riding experience, but also satisfies passengers’ code-scanning payment habits. At the same time, it can greatly improve the operational efficiency and reduce the operating cost of personnel.
It is reported that 35 new urban rail transit lines will be added in 2021, of which the application rate of koodle equipment is as high as 75%. Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Xi’an, Beijing, Tianjin, Qingdao, Shijiazhuang, Changsha, Ningbo, Hefei, Chengdu, Chongqing, Changzhou, Yantai, Xinjiang, Nanning, Zhengzhou and other 80% subway cities, you can see koodle scanning equipment, which shows the reputation of koodle equipment in the rail transit industry. In the future, koodle will actively support the comprehensive construction of urban subway, bus, shipping, air transport and other intelligent transportation, and strive to enhance and improve the national travel mode and make travel more convenient.

Koodle helps [Smart Campus] according to different application scenarios on campus, launched a variety of campus project-specific products, which can meet a variety of intelligent services, such as access control management, canteen mall payment management, book lending management, self-sale and printing service, check-in management, school bus scanning management and other intelligent services. While achieving non-contact and high-precision reading, it can also accurately identify the identity information of students, prevent irrelevant social personnel from entering the campus, and ensure the safety of the campus while preventing epidemic. Up to now, koodle products have been widely used in the upgrading of intelligent campus projects in Beijing University, Tsinghua University, China Academy of Fine Arts, Nankai University, Wuhan University, Fudan University, Tongji University, Shenzhen University, Chongqing University, East China University of Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, Liaoning Medical University, China University of Geosciences, Taiyuan University of Technology, Zhejiang University, Yunnan University of traditional Chinese Medicine and other well-known universities. Now it has become a standard product in the intelligent campus industry project.
Koodle promotes [Wisdom Hospital] to use the “real-name health code security intelligence access control platform” to comprehensively improve the efficiency and quality of hospital traffic management, achieve real-time recording of visitors’ identity information and time, facilitate accurate tracking and management, provide data support for the traceability of emergencies, achieve scientific prevention and control, save time, facilitate patients to see a doctor, and improve the efficiency and quality of pre-examination and triage. Current Wuhan Union Hospital, Taizhou people’s Hospital, Dezhou people’s Hospital, Taixing people’s Hospital, Suzhou traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Changzhou traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Jintan first people’s Hospital, Changzhou second people’s Hospital, Liaoning people’s Hospital, Jinzhou Medical University affiliated first Hospital, Changzhou Wujin traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Jiangsu University affiliated first Hospital, Zhangjiagang first / third people’s Hospital, Taizhou fourth people’s Hospital, Nantong first people’s Hospital, Shaoyang first people’s Hospital and many other medical systems All of them have enabled koodle “real-name health code security intelligence access control platform” to comprehensively improve the ability of pre-examination and triage, and create a safe and convenient environment for medical treatment.
More from public transportation to healthy campuses to convenient medical care, koodle focused on the whole city and handed over one excellent answer after another under the examination of the public, which also made the outstanding quality of koodle deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and laid a solid foundation for this year’s strong hot sales.

02 well-known overseas
From made in China to created in China, the development of science and technology in China is impressing the whole world with amazing speed and scale. In 2021, the total number of overseas orders for koodle exceeded 25000 units, which were sold to the United States, Britain, Germany, France, Australia, Italy, Russia, Japan, South Korea, Thailand and other countries, winning the favor of global users with advanced technology and excellent quality.

These achievements we have made are only a microcosm of the rapid development of manufacturing in China. In the future, koodle will continue to innovate and integrate the technological precipitation of many years, and strive to work side by side with the leaders of various major industries to promote regional prosperity, promote the development of the industry, push more products to the world, and prop up the backbone of made in China.

03 health post station
As an important starting point to promote the intelligent era, the Internet of things is also an important engine for the recovery of the green economy in the post-epidemic era. In order to weave a solid prevention and control network of “external anti-import, internal anti-proliferation”, and prevent the risk of local epidemic spread caused by overseas imports, koodle uses wisdom to help “international health stations” to build a solid line of defense for epidemic prevention and control from time to time. Timely, convenient, efficient and safe has become the basic label of koodle Internet of things code scanning access control. In just two months, more than 10,000 sets of special high-performance products, 5002 sets of code scanning equipment, 645 credit card facilities and 5942 door locks have been shipped. From the production of accessories to the completion of assembly, each equipment has undergone stringent quality inspection before leaving the factory to ensure that every equipment in the station can perform its duties perfectly. This is the quality that koodle consistently adheres to, and it is also the cornerstone of improving the epidemic prevention safety of centralized isolation places and creating an intelligent community and post station with an international image. It is believed that with the blessing of QR code access control technology, Guangzhou International Health Post Station, as the first international health post station in the world, will certainly provide humane and intelligent service to consolidate the health barrier of external anti-virus input, and become a new window for China to transmit epidemic prevention and development confidence to the world.

04 product innovation
The profound impact of the global COVID-19 epidemic has caused the whole society to be forced to press the pause button, and the Omicron strain and Delta strain are intertwined and superimposed, bringing greater risks to the prevention and control of the epidemic. To build a solid epidemic prevention barrier, there is a long way to go, not only with the help of wisdom, but also with the help of technology.

Koodle quickly responds to the market demand and innovates constantly in product form to help scientific epidemic prevention. The launch of MC100, M320 and other new products, in addition to USB, RS232 traditional output mode, but also support WiFi, 4G transmission, breaking through the limitations of the current market product line transmission. Among them, MC100 supports mobile power supply, overcomes environmental and regional limitations, and is more suitable for the non-electric environment in the process of epidemic prevention, and can be used for a continuous period of time. At the same time, high sensitivity to read the QR code information, greatly shorten the passage time, comprehensively improve the traceability of flow regulation, so as to effectively deal with the possible invasion of the epidemic. In addition to the new products, koodle continues to increase investment in research and development, master the core technology, combined with the current epidemic prevention trends, upgrade the original products, MC50P as the enhanced version of MC50, to achieve identification and QR code authentication two-in-one, dual authentication provides a solid strength for epidemic prevention deployment. There are many kinds of popular products, such as Q300, QT970, M300 and so on, which are widely used in the front line of anti-epidemic and provide a strong guarantee for the rear area of anti-epidemic. In the future, koodle will continue to give full play to the advantages of science and technology, using digital, intelligent and other means for joint prevention and control, so that the problems in urban epidemic prevention can be solved more finely, and make every effort to weave a protection net to protect urban safety and public health.

Glorious witness
Work together to fight the epidemic. It is our choice to continuously contribute scientific and technological strength to epidemic prevention with innovative products. Benedict practice diligence, reform the old and renew the new. Focus on product upgrading, strict polishing of each work, is our persistence. The achievements of koodle in 2021 are the support and recognition of people from all walks of life, government agencies and the general public. Under the affirmation and expectation of many parties, koodle will start its journey again on the basis of quality in 2022, always embrace a soft original heart, show hard core strength, constantly consolidate the foundation on the road of growth, rally team strength, and bloom the light of the brand. Shoulder the mission, ride the wind and waves!